Objective:To evaluate the effects of Dioscin (DIO), a traditional Chinese medicine on apoptosis of mesenchymal stem cell (MSCs). The feasibility of MSCs transplantation treating cardiomyopathy with DIO as an ancillary medicine. Methods: MSCs were cultured with serum deprivation and with Dioscin pretreatement in a different dose. The cultured MSCs were at randora divided into five groups: normal control group, serum deprivation group, serum deprivation with different dose of DIO intervention group (low dose group: 4 mg/L, moderate dose group: 40 mg/L, high dose group 400 mg/L). The cultured cells were deprived serum for 48 hours. Myocardial apoptosis was assayed with the method of terminal deoxynulceotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL). Results:Compared with control group, the PEIs of TUNEL cells were significantly higher than that in serum group and each dose DIO groups (P〈0. 001 ). The highest PEI was presented at serum deprivation group, and then was high dose group (P = 0. 024). There was no significant difference between the above groups. After pretreatment with DIO, the PEI were significantly decreased compared with that in serum deprivation group. The PEI was significantly higher as the dose got higher (P〈0. 001 ). There was a basement expression of Bcl-2 in control group. Compared with control group, The PEI of expressing Bcl-2 cells were significantly higher in the rest groups (P〈 0.001 ). DIO pretreatment could increase the expressions of Bcl-2. The optional effect presented at low dose DIO,and then was moderate dose DIO. There was no significantly difference between the high dose group and serum deprivation group (P = 0. 061 ). The effect promoting Bcl-2 expression by using intervention with low dose and moderate dose DIOwas more significant than that of serum deprivation. The expressions of Bcl-2 mRNA increased significantly in the serum deprivation group and different DIO dose group except high dose group (P
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine
Chinese traditional medicine
Mesenchymal stem cell