Through the methods of ICP-AES and XRF, the study measured concentrations of relative elements and various oxides of samples from profile T0709 of the Liaowadian Site, which could reflect human activities or environmental changes. Based upon these data, this paper recovered basic characteristics of human activities in the Liaowadian Site since Xia Dynasty as follows: (1)Xia Dynasty (250-325 cm) was quite wet and warm along the whole profile and eco-system was fine,with limited interferences against the nature. (2) The lower section of Eastern Zhou Dynasty (2054250 cm) was still under the wet and warm state. Likewise, the susceptibility of the layers rose abruptly,meaning human activities in this stage to be intensive. This could be demonstrated by high concentrations of eight elements at layer of 205 era. Howev- er,the layers at 220 cm may appear a transiently abandoned settlement ,showed by low contents of potassi- um, manganese, strontium and barium. The upper section of Eastern Zhou Dynasty layer (120-205 cm) indicated cooling climate and weak weathering. In this period, the concentrations of lead and copper be- came exceptionally high, implying a bronze manufacture workshop in its history. (3) During the Ming- Qing Dynasty (70-120 cm) the climate continued its dry and cooling trend and contents of Ba, Ca, P, Sr, Mn and K had comparatively high values, and so did susceptibility. Obviously, it was symbols of preva- lence of human activities. In addition, unearthed porcelain proved there was ever a china-ware workshop history. On the other hand, the low value of copper in this layer showed that bronze-making and application had lost its role.
Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology
multi-element proxy
ancient human activities
the Liaowadian Site