
河南省典型含有人工制品土壤的系统分类研究 被引量:9

Soil Taxonomy of Artificial Soils Containing Artifacts Typical of Henan Province
摘要 选取河南省10个典型含有人工制品的土壤剖面和3个自然土壤剖面作为研究对象,基于剖面形态和理化性质的分析,根据世界土壤资源参比基础(WRB)、美国土壤系统分类(ST)、中国土壤系统分类(CST),对供试土壤进行分类研究。结果表明,WRB中关于人工扰动的前缀修饰词或后缀修饰词不能完全适宜于中国地区的含有人工制品的土壤,而在ST中,含有人工制品的土壤类型出现在各个土纲及其包含的亚类单元,CST中缺乏明确的诊断依据来描述、解释含有人工制品的土壤特征。参照WRB和ST中关于人工制品类别相关标准,提出CST中含有人工制品的土壤定义,新增"技术扰动层"诊断特性,制定CST人工制品类别标准,并将这一标准体现在CST土族命名中,该分类方案能有效体现不同人为活动对土壤的影响结果,一定程度上填补我国对这类土壤分类研究的空白。 [ Objective ] As of yet Chinese Soil Taxonomy ( CST ) doesn't have any explicit diagnostic basis for characterizing soil profiles with artifacts. With rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the impact of human disturbance on soil is becoming more and more significant. It is, therefore, essential to intensify the research on soils containing artificial artifacts, or it would be very hard to explain reasonably how some changes occur in pedogenesis. [Method] In this paper, 10 soil profiles containing artificial artifacts (shortened as artificial soil) typical of Henan Provinc were selected as objects for the study, including 3 at ancient cultural relic sites, 5 at urban sites and 2 at reclaimed farmland sites in industrial and mining areas.Besides 3 natural soil profiles ( free of any artificial artifacts ) were chosen in the same regions as control for comparison in configuration and physic-chemical property. Then the 10 soil profiles were classified in line with world soil resources reference basis ( WRB ) and Soil Taxonomy ( ST ) and CST and analyzed for soil diagnostic layer and diagnostic characteristic specific of these profiles. On such a basis, a proposed scheme was put forward, applicable to classification of the artificial soils specific of China. [Result] Artificial soils are complicated in structure and property and vary sharply in particle size, bulk density, pH, and contents of organic carbon, total nitrogen and total phosphorus with type and intensity of human activities. The most intuitive feature is the fact that the content of coarse particles is much higher in the artificial soil profiles than in the natural soil profiles. The urban soils, in particular, are very high in content of coarse particles, up to 90%, and peculiar in soil penetrability, which is hindered by a soil layer formed of miscellaneous construction waste in these soils. In view of the characteristics of these artificial profiles, WRB is found not fully suitable soils because it lacks suffic
出处 《土壤学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期1091-1101,共11页 Acta Pedologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(4137226) 国家科技基础性工作专项(2008FY110600)资助~~
关键词 土壤系统分类 人工制品 河南省 for soil classification is believed to be able ch fills a gap by a certain degree in the study Soil taxonomy Artifacts Henan Province to reflect effects of human activities varying in on classification of this type of soils.
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