生殖支原体(Mycoplasma genitalium.Mg)是从人体分离到的第12种支原体。业已证明:Mg 与泌尿生殖道、呼吸道以及关节腔的炎症相关。由于 Mg 体外培养困难。至今尚无灵敏、特异、快速的检测方法。本文报道分别以 Mg 粘附蛋白和16SrRNA 基因为靶基因建立的二种套式 PCR 检测技术。144例妇科住院病人9例阳性(阳性率6.5%),40例女性 STD 患者12例阳性(阳性率30%)。
By using the primers designed on the bases of the sequences of the 16srRNA and adhesin gene of mycoplasma genitalium,respectively,specific and sensitive in vitro DNA amplification assay systems (Nested-PCR) for the detecting M.genitalium were established.Neither other human mycoplas- mas nor other microorganisms esisting in human urogeuital tract showed any cross-reaction with these primers.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity