
专业标准:从萌芽走向成熟 被引量:4

Professional Criteria:from a Seed to Maturity
摘要 指导建立专业标准的理论主要由特质理论、控制理论到历史发展理论,专业标准也因此相应发生着变化。总的趋势是从萌芽走向成熟。基于专业标准研究的历史,成熟的专业标准应该包括:高深专门化的知识和技能;健全的教育和培训系统;同业人员组成的高度自治的组织;完善的组织章程和伦理规范;国家(政府)的法律保障;以服务为定向,通过创造效益满足客户和公众需求等六个方面。从高等教育学的角度看,国家应从法律上赋予高校更大的专业自主设置权,以适应不断发展的社会、经济、文化、科技等方面的需要。 Based on different theories, such as the Trait Theory, the Theory of Control and the Theory of Development, the professional criterion varies accordingly. The general tendency is from a seed to maturity. Researches show that mature professional criteria include: profound expertise, sound educational and training system, highly independent organization comprising professionals, consummate bylaw and ethics, legal protection from the state (or the government), meeting the needs of customers by service-orientation and creation of profits. From the perspective of higher education, HEIs should be granted more power to set majors so as to satisfy the need of adapting to the constant development of society, economy, culture and technology.
作者 周倩
出处 《现代大学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期90-95,共6页 Modern University Education
关键词 特质理论 控制理论 历史发展理论 专业标准 Trait Theory Theory of Control Theory of Development professional criteria
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