Matlab是功能强大的工程计算和分析软件,Visual C++是面向对象的快速开发工具,而ObjectARX是一种面向对象的功能强大、运行较高的AutoCAD开发工具.文章利用Matlab 6.5、ObjectARX 2004与面向对象的编程语言Visual C++.NET 2002相结合,开发出了一种旋风除尘器通用的优化设计软件.其中,Matlab用于优化模块的设计,Visual C++和ObjectARX则主要用于完成用户接口与参数化绘图模块的设计.将三者结合起来,发挥各自的长处,从而使得开发后的软件计算更加快速准确、用户界面更友好、运行速度更快,对缩短工程周期、降低设计成本具有较好的实用价值.
Matlab is a software with strong capability for engineering computation and data analysis. Visual C ++ is a kind of object-oriented fast developing tool. ObjectARX is a kind of AutoCAD secondary development tool of object-oriented strong capability and fast running. An all-purpose software for cyclone design is developed with integrating ObjectARX 2004, Visual C+ +. NET 2002 and Matlab 6.5 perfectly. Matlab is used for doing optimum modular design. Visual C+ + and ObjectARX are used for drawing modular design. With the three combined, exerting each strongpoint can develop softwares with exact, fast computing, friendly interfaces and fast running. It has use value for cutting development cycle and reducing design cost.
Journal of China Three Gorges University:Natural Sciences