
高述情障碍者的情绪图式特征 被引量:15

Characteristics of Emotion Schemas in High-alexithymics
摘要 采用混合实验设计,以情绪词和情绪图片为实验材料,选取不同述情障碍得分的大学生为被试,通过三个实验考察了高述情障碍者的情绪图式特征。研究结果发现:(1)高述情障碍组被试对情绪词的效价判断反应时显著长于低述情障碍组,述情障碍各维度得分均与情绪词的效价判断反应时呈显著正相关;(2)高述情障碍组被试对情绪图片的效价判断反应时与低述情障碍组相比差异不显著;(3)高述情障碍组被试情绪图式联结所需反应时显著长于低述情障碍组,情感描述困难与情绪图式联结所需反应时之间相关显著。研究结论如下:高述情障碍者存在情绪语言图式和参考性链接上的缺陷,而在情绪意象上并不存在积极/消极区分能力方面的缺陷。 Alexithymic patients suffer from severe deficits in cognitive processing and regulation of emotions. The purpose of present study was to explore the emotion schemas of high-alexithymics. Based on Bucci's multiple code theory (1997), our hypothesis was compared with low-alexithymics, high-alexithymics had deficits in verbal emotion schemas, symbolic imagery and referential links that connected verbal and nonverbal schemas. The participants were 20 high-alexithymics and 20 low-alexithymics selected according to scores of TAS-20 (Toronto Alexithymia Scale). Emotion words and emotion pictures were used as experimental materials. Mixed designs were adopted. In experiment 1 and 2, participants needed to judge whether each word or picture presented through computer was positive or negative by pressing "F" for "positive" or "J" for "negative". In experiment 3, participants needed to judge whether the valence of each picture-word match presented through computer was consistent or inconsistent by pressing "F" for "consistent" or "J" for "inconsistent". Repeated-measure analysis of variance showed that Low-alexithymics were significantly faster on valence-judging emotion words than high-alexithymics. All of dimensions of alexithymia were positive correlated with mean response latencies for emotion words. But there was no significant difference between high-alexithymics and low-alexithymics on valence-judging emotion pictures. Finally high-alexithymics responded significantly slower on linkage between nonverbal and verbal schemas of emotion than low-alexithymics. Their subjectively-reported task difficulty was highly correlated with mean latencies for linkage response. To sum up, we demonstrated that high-alexithymics have deficits in emotion verbal schemas but not nonverbal schemas based on pictures. They also have severe deficiencies in referential links between nonverbal and verbal schemas of emotion.
作者 宫火良
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期1250-1257,共8页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
关键词 述情障碍 情绪语言图式 情绪意象 参考性链接 alexithymia emotion verbal schemas emotion imagery referential links
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