

Study of Construction of Corporate Culture in the Perspective of Controlling Power
摘要 企业文化是企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分,企业文化建设攸关企业成败。控制权配置与企业文化有着密切的关系。一方面,控制权的不同配置模式是不同类型企业文化形成的根源,它主导着企业文化建设的方向,影响企业文化类型的塑造和成型,企业控制权配置的变更是企业文化建设的动力之一;另一方面,企业文化是控制权实现的一种途径,良好的企业文化降低了控制权实现成本。企业文化的建设和创新关键在于控制权的配置格局,企业文化建设的成效依赖于企业控制权配置这一关键因素。 Corporate culture is an important part of companies' core competitiveness, which even concerns their future and is closely related to the allocation of controlling power. On the one hand, allocation of corporate controlling power is the root of corporate culture, which leads the construction of corporate culture and affecting the enterprise image. On the other hand, corporate culture is also a tool for allocation of controlling power and a favorable corporate culture can reduce the cost of control. The critical factor in the construction and renovation of corporate culture is the allocation of corporate controlling power and the performance of corporate culture also depends on this allocation.
作者 张明 黄飞
出处 《湛江师范学院学报》 2008年第4期92-96,共5页 Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College
基金 广东商学院博士项目(05BS63002)阶段性成果
关键词 企业文化 文化类型 控制权配置 机制 corporate culture cultural type allocation of controlling power mechanism
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