为了降低成本,简化远程监控系统的硬件设计,提高系统的稳定性,基于AVR Atmega系列单片机的Flash代码区结构,对可同时读写(RWW:Read-While-Write)区、非同时读写(NRWW:Not Read-While-Write)区、引导程序区、应用程序区的划分进行了研究。开发完善了引导下载分页处理、例程(学生用电管理系统网络拓扑结构图说明)、代码转换等实用技术。实践证明,AVR Atmega系列单片机源代码远程改写的应用,可免除以往外加一系列实现远程升级复杂的外置电路。
In order to reduce costs, simplify the hardware design about remote monitoring system and increase system's stability, based on AVR Atmega series of MCU (Micro Computer United) Flash code structure of the district, the reading and writing RWW (Read-While-Write) , non-reading and writing at the same time (NR- WW: Not Read-While-Write), boot loader, the application areas are studied. The development of the download page guide treatment, examples program ( the direction of the net topology map about the management system of student's using electricity), and code conversion are improved. The main purpose of the research is reducing costs, simplifying the hardware design about remote monitoring system and increasing system's stability. The practice has proved that the applications of the resource code's long-range rewriting about the single-chip of AVR Atmega series, remove a series of the complex external circuit that can achieve remote upgrade in the past.
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Edition)