Objective:To assess the clinical value of low field magnetic resonance imaging,sonography and molecular biology in the diagnosis of uterine adenomyosis. Methods: Low field MRI, sonography (transabdominal and transvaginal sonography) and testing of serum of CA125 ,CA199 and CA153 levels were carried out in 45 patients confirmed pathologically as uterine adenomyosis and 36 patients with leiomyoma after operation. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of each examination were analyzed. Results: The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of low field MRI were 95. 56%, 100% and 97.53% ;those of TVS were 80.0%,88.89% and 83.95% ;those of TAS were 68.89% ,83.33% and 75.31% ;those of serum CA125 levels were 46.67% ,88.89% and 65.43% ;those of serum CA153 levels were 33.33%,94.44% and 60.49% ; and those of serum of CA199 levels were 15.56 %, 97.22 % and 51.85 %. Conclusion: MRI is the best technology in diagnosis of uterine adenomyosis, serum CA125 levels testing is better than CA153 and CA199 and can be done during initial screening of women with possible adenomyosis.
Radiologic Practice