4Ranke, "The Character of Historical Science", in Georg G. Iggers and Konrad van Moltke, eds. , The Theory and Practice of History, Indianapolis and New York: The Bobbs- Merrill Company, 1973, p. 46. 被引量:1
6Lord Acton, Lectures on Modern History, London: Macmillan, 1906, p. 317. 被引量:1
7Proceedings: Reports, Abstracts and Round Table Introductions, 19th Intemational Congress of Historical Sciences, Oslo, 2000, p. 10. 被引量:1
8Geoffrey Barraclough, "World History", in H. P. Finberg, ed, Approaches to History: A Symposium, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1962, p. 108. 被引量:1
9John Bowie, ed. , The Concise Encyclopaedia of World History, New York: Hawthorne, 1958, p. 9. 被引量:1
10E. H. Dance, History the Betrayer: A Study in Bias, London: Hutchinson, 1960, p. 48. 被引量:1
5William H. McNeill, Arnold Toynbee, A Life ( New York: Oxford University Press, 1989). 被引量:1
6Paul Costello, Worm History and Their Goals : Twentieth-Century Anszoers to Modernism (DeKalb:Northern Illinois University Press, 1993). 被引量:1
7Pitirim A. Sorokin, Modern Historical and Social Philosophies (London: Constable, 1963 ). 被引量:1
8On the significance of modernization analysis for historical scholarship, see Craig A. Lockard, "Global history, Modernization, and the World - Systems Approach: A Critique", The History Teacher 14 ( 1981 ) : 489 - 515 . 被引量:1
9and Alvin Y. So, Social Change and Ek, velopment : Modernization, Dependency, and Worm - System Theories (Newbury Park, Calif. :Sage, 1990). 被引量:1
10For Studies of these schools, see Loekard, "Global History, Modernization, and the World - System Approach". 被引量:1