A novel n-buried-pSOI sandwiched structure for an RF power LDMOS is proposed. The output characteristics of the RF power LDMOS are greatly affected by the drain-substrate parasitic capacitance. The output characteristics become better as the drain-substrate parasitic capacitance decreases. Results show that the drain-substrate capacitance of the n- buried-pSOI sandwiched LDMOS is 46.6% less than that of the normal LDMOS,and 11.5% less than that of the n-buried- pSOI LDMOS,respectively. At l dB compression point,its output power is 188% higher than that of the normal LDMOS, and 10.6% higher than that of the n-buried-pSOI LDMOS, respectively. The power-added efficiency of the proposed structure is 38.3%. The breakdown voltage of the proposed structure is 11% more than that of the normal LDMOS.
提出了具有n埋层pSOI三明治结构的射频功率LDMOS器件.漏至衬底寄生电容是影响射频功率LDMOS器件输出特性的重要因素之一,寄生电容越小,输出特性越好.分析表明n埋层pSOI三明治结构的射频功率LDMOS漏至衬底的结电容比常规射频功率LDMOS和n埋层pSOI射频功率LDMOS分别降低46.6%和11.5%.该结构器件1dB压缩点处的输出功率比常规LDMOS和n埋层pSOI LDMOS分别提高188%和10.6%,附加功率效率从n埋层pSOI LDMOS的37.3%增加到38.3%.同时该结构器件的耐压比常规LDMOS提高了约11%.