Objectives To compare the proliferation and surface antigen ofmesenchymal stem cells isolated by two different method from rabbit bone marrow. And the stem cell will be used as potential seeding ceils in cartilage tissue engineering. Methods MSCs were isolated from the Percoll fraction ofmononuclear cells and whole bone marrow cells.cells were examed grossly, histologically and electron microscoply.The proliferation of the cells was examined by ^3H -TdR incorporation. Expression of cell surface molecules on BMSCs were determined by flow cytometry. Result The primary culture period of the whole bone marrow and adhere cultured stem cell is about 14d. CD44 are expressed on almost all the primary and the following passage cell. The sequences of the incorporation of ^3H -TdR were 15250cpm; The primary culture period of the BMSCs isolated from the Percoll fraction of mononuelear cells is about 28d. CD44 are expressed on part of the primary and the following passage cells. The sequences of the incorporation of ^3H -TdR were 13570cpm. Con- clusions The combination of whole bone marrow and adhere culture is an effective method to isolate BMSCs from bone marrow aspirate.
Orthopaedic Biomechanics Materials and Clinical Study
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Cell culture