We reported previously that apastic anemia(AA)occured in BALB/c mice by transfusion of lymphocytes from H2 match but Mls unmatch strainDBA/2,and that the lymphocytes of AA mice suppressed the hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells of normal murine bone marrow.It is,however,still unclear how the hematopoietic cells are injured in the model.It is known that hematopoietic cells can survive in vitro in the presence of some survival factors such as recombinant GMCSF and IL3.Here we cocultured the hematopoeitic cells from bone marrow of normal mice with an equal number of the lymphocytes of AA mice in the presence of those survival factors.In the mean time,three parallel controls,hematopoetic cells of normal mice,splenic lymphocytes of AA mice,and combination of hematopoietic cells and lymphocytes from normal mice,were designed.At different time points,we detected the samples by flow cytometry(FACS),transmission electron microscopy(TEM)and gel electrophoretic analysis of DNA.The results in experimental mice 8 hours after coculture showed:(i)The percentages of apoptotic death cells increased.(ii)Hematopoietic cells appeared nuclear condensation,margination and blebbing under TEM.(iii)Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA in the 13 00×g supernatant showed ladder pattern,which suggest the choromatin cleavage is at internucleosome sites.The percentage of DNA fragmentation measured by diphenylamine reaction also increased.Our experimental results indicate that apoptosis occurs in hematopoietic cells when induced by splenic lymphocytes of mice with aplastic anemia mediated immunologically,and suggest this phenomenon might contribute to the pathogenesis of hamatopoietic failure in AA,and that attempt to block the process of apoptosis could be a new clue of treating AA.
Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology