

Shape editing method of point-sampled geometry using curvature flow
摘要 为了对点模型表面进行保细节的自由形状编辑,提出了一种基于曲率流的点模型形状编辑方法。该方法定义了基于平均曲率流的光顺算子,通过此光顺算子获得点模型不同光滑程度的曲面表示。运用对应曲面上点之间的向量差进行相应几何细节的抽取,在相邻的曲面表示之间将几何细节剥离出来。用户可以在不同的曲面上进行自由形状编辑,而无须关心几何细节。在变形后的曲面上再将相应的几何细节映射回去,实现对模型保细节的变形。实验结果表明该方法是一种有效的点模型造型算法,在变形的同时,有效地保持了模型表面的细节特征。 The paper presented a novel method for high-level editing based on point samples. First developed curvature properties of unstructured point sets and defined the fairing operator based on mean curvature flow. The method computed a series of point-based surface approximations at successively higher levels of smoothness using the fairing operator. The difference between two successive levels could be expressed as a set of detail coefficients that approximates for each point the distance between the two levels in normal direction ; it made the separation of geometric detail from the overall shape of an object. This allows the user to manipulate a model in a flexible and intuitive way without having to pay close attention to whether or not the surface detail was properly affected. The surface detail was reconstructed using normal displacements. Experimental results show the efficiency and accuracy of the algorithm. It preserves the detail feature while perform free-form editing based on point samples.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期2845-2846,2855,共3页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家科技部科技型中小型企业技术创新基金无偿资助项目(02C26214400224) 广东省科技计划资助项目(2002A1020104)
关键词 点模型 形状编辑 几何细节 曲率流 point model shape editing geometric detail curvature flow
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