
两种情绪智力理论结构的理论导向功能 被引量:7

The Theory-guided Function of Two Theoretical Structures of Emotional Intelligence
摘要 以655名被试为样本,对梅耶-沙洛维-库索情绪智力测验(MSCEITV2.0)进行探索性因素分析,提取其测量的实证理论结构并与Mayer等人1997年情绪智力理论结构进行比较,揭示两种理论结构的导向功能。研究结果表明:MSCEITV2.0中存在一个与1997年情绪智力理论结构迥异的实证理论结构,此理论结构不仅同类研究结果相对稳定,而且在结构严谨性、层次合理性、实证科学性和变量有效性等方面均优于1997年情绪智力理论结构,对情绪智力理论今后的发展具有明显的理论导向功能。 Participants (N = 655) completed the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT V2. 0). The empirically theoretical structure extracted from MSCEIT V2.0 by exploratory factor analyses was compared with the theoretical structure developed by Mayer et al. in 1997 so as to reveal the theory-guided function of two theoretical structures. The result of the research suggests that: (a) in MSCEIT V2.0, there is an empirically theoretical structure which is widely different from the theoretical structure of EI in 1997; (b) the empirically theoretical structure of MSCEIT V2.0 is stable in the congeneric researches; and (c) several other aspects of this empirically theoretical structure, such as constructional preciseness, reasonable hierarchy, empirical scientificity and validity of variables, are all much better than the theoretical structure in 1997. Hence, the empirically theoretical structure extracted from MSCEIT V2.0 plays a theory-guided role in the future development of emotional intelligence.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期1121-1125,1093,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 2006年度国家社会科学基金项目,项目号:06BSH041
关键词 情绪智力 理论结构 实证结构 理论导向功能 emotional intelligence, theoretical structure, empirical structure, theory-guided function
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