Rapid diagnosis of chlamydia frachomatis infection was done by using PCR to amplify C. trachozoatis specific DNA with the cryptic plasmid primer and the major outer membrane protein gene(ompl)primer seperately, Of 426 samples, 92 were positive for plasmid PGR, Of plasmid PCR positive samples, 66 were positive for ompl PCR. 52 samples were analyaed by SSCP and 7 diferent profiles were detected. 18 samples showed the same profile compared with TE55 reference strain. An amniotic sample and a conjunctival saznple obtained from a neonate exhibited identical BSCP profile. lt indicated that the D NA sequences of the two C.trachomatis strain were identical. and vertical transmission of C. trachomatis was confirmed in the case. When genotyping was performed by using clinical apecimens, it was suitable to screen the samples by plasmid PGR and the positive specimens were further performed by ompl PCR for genotyping. Genotyping of C. trachomatis could be perfomed by PCR - SSCP and it was important in molecular epidemiological rescarch.
Journal of Chongqing Medical University