The Russo - Japanese War brought on tremendous disasters to the people in Northeast China. As the General of ShengJing, Zeng Qi took measures to relieve the war victims throughout the Russo - Japanese War: 1 ) establishing institutions for relieving and convening the refugees; 2 ) providing food for the refugees; 3 ) making notes with Russian for attempting more living space for the displaced persons; 4) raising money as much as possible for relieving them. During the process, Zeng Qi tried his best to reassure refugees and stabilize their lives. A lot of people survive the war owing to his appropriate measures. At present, the academic circles are mostly denouncing Zeng Qi for the treaty he signed with Russia. but this is unfair. In fact, to some degree, we should take an approval attitude toward Zeng Qi for the effort he made to relieve the refugees.
Journal of Dalian University
Zeng Qi
Russo - Japanese War
war disaster relief