
制度、技术与市场:落实科学发展观的三维结构 被引量:8

Institution,Technology and Market:Three Dimensions of Implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development
摘要 科学发展观要解决发展的量、发展的质、发展的持续性这三个主要问题。制度、技术和市场这三个维度,其作用方式、作用方向和作用机制,决定了科学发展观的落实程度和经济发展方式转型的可能性。中国粗放的发展方式之所以难以得到根本的、彻底的逆转,其本质原因,是因为发展的制度结构一直是粗放的,由此诱导、激励和支持了粗放的发展方式。技术创新为制度变革、市场发展和发展方式转型提供物质基础,表现为技术创新支撑了新一轮的制度创新、市场规模的扩大、消费升级和市场层次的提高以及要素投入结构的改善。合理的要素价格体系和环境价格,必然会内生化地矫正长期被计划经济所扭曲的发展方式,必然使"资源依赖型"的经济增长模式转变为"创新驱动型"的发展模式。 The scientific outlook on development deals with three issues: volume, quality and sustainability of the economic development in China. It is the institution, technology and market and their function mode, direction and mechanism as well that decide the implement of scientific outlook on development and the transformation of economic development mode. It is due to the institutional structure that China's extensive economic growth mode can not be fundamentally changed, thus inducing, encouraging and supporting the extensive development mode. Technology and innovation provide a physical base for market development and changes in institution and development mode. Consequently, technological innovation will support institutional innovation, market expansion, consumption upgrading and improvement of factor input structure. Reasonable factor price system will correct the development mode which used to be distorted by planned economy, and turn resource-dependent economic development mode into innovation-driven economic development mode.
作者 刘志彪
出处 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期22-29,共8页 Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 教育部"学习宣传贯彻党的十七大精神和纪念改革开放三十周年"理论研究(应急)课题(2008JYJ030) 教育部哲学社会科学创新基地"南京大学经济转型与发展研究中心"基地项目
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