
技术创新战略导向下经营者组合激励模式研究 被引量:1

Studies on the combinative manager incentive based on technology innovation
摘要 本文主要是对技术创新战略导向下基于财务业绩与创新行为综合标准的组合激励模式进行研究。在技术创新战略导向下的经营者OBI观点与BBI观点激励冲突的文献述评基础上,建立技术创新战略导向下的经营者组合激励模式,随之在静态分析的基础上,深入分析创新行为与财务业绩为综合标准的组合激励模式中相关参数的变化含义,并说明经营者技术创新组合激励模式的意义:在一定约束下,可同时改进经营者和所有者的期望收益,以此完善技术创新激励机制,并对实践具有指导意义。 The combinative incentive is analyzed by the reconciliation of outcome and behavior - based incentive schemes based on technology innovation. According to the analysis of debate over manager incentives between OBI and BBI, the combinative incentive mode is proposed using both outcome and behavior based criteria for rewarding manager based on the technology innovation, then the meaning of relative parameter change in the model is deeply discussed and the significance of combination incentive contract is that the expected gains for the manager and the owner are increased under the certain restraints.
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期24-28,共5页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70602028) 起止时间:2007-2009 国家社会科学基金资助项目(06XJL007) 起止时间:2007-2008 科技部科技基础性工作专项项目(2007FY140100) 起止时间:2008-2010 电子科技大学哲学社科基金资助项目(JX0655) 起止时间:2007-2008
关键词 技术创新 行为激励 业绩激励 经营者 组合激励 technology innovation behavior- based incentive outcome- based incentive manager combinative incentives
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