It is almost impossible to accurately define the terms of culture and nature,and it is not necessary to do so.We can,however,talk about culture in two basic senses.In its broadest sense,culture refers to the totality of human thoughts,behaviors and the products of human activities.In its essential sense,culture refers to culturalization or humanization.The same applies to nature.In its broadest sense,nature refers to the totality of things in the universe,or Nature.In its fundamental sense,it denotes things as they would be,without extrinsic intervention.Talking of the relationship between culture and nature,one first thinks of the conflict between them.Talking of the conflict between them,one first thinks of culture in its broadest sense and nature as Nature.The conflict between culture and nature does not only take place between human and Nature,but also within human itself,between the body and the soul,between reason and emotion.In another sense,however,the actual relationship between culture and nature is not conflict but harmony,and it is in this regard that aesthetics takes on its value.
Foreign Literature