目的采用WHO药物统计合作中心设定的DDD数排序分析法对2005~2007年我院抗感染用药进行分析,对今后的用药趋势进行预测,为我院以后抗感染药物的合理应用提供依据。方法从医院计算机系统中提取2005~2007年抗感染药物的消耗数量和消耗金额,并采用WHO设定的限定日剂量(defined daily dose,DDD)方法计算我院抗感染药物的用药频度,并对每年各类抗感染药的采购金额和用药频度进行排序。结果3年以来头孢类消耗金额都明显高于其他类抗感染药物,青霉素类药物也占据一定的比例,但比例在逐年减小,而喹诺酮类的用量上升很快。结论我院抗感染药物使用基本合理,但仍然存在一些问题。如头孢类所占比重太大,个别药品的ddds值远远高于其它品种。医院应加大对抗感染药物的管理力度,力求做到合理用药。
Objective Analysis of the use of anti-irffectives in our hospital during the period 2005 - 2007 by the defined daily dose (DDD)system. Predict tendency of anti-infectives used. To offer information for rational use of anti-infectives. Methods In the computer management system of hospital to collect warehouse-out database about antibiotie drugs during 2005 to 2007. Computed using defined daily does of anti-infeetives in our hospital. Sort according to The amount of procurement and DDDs value of anti-infectives. Results Over three years, use of Cephalosporins too much than others. Penicillin drugs also oeeupy a certain proportion, used Quinolones growth is very quick. Conclusion The use of anti-infectives in our hospital was rational on the whole, but has some problems. For example, eephalosporins pereentage was too much and individual'drugs ddds value is much higher than others category. We should pay attention to the antibiotie application, make it more reasonable.
Sichuan Medical Journal