
华南冷锋云系的中尺度和微物理特征模拟分析 被引量:26

Simulations of Mesoscale and Microphysical Characteristics of Cold Front Clouds in South China
摘要 利用中国气象科学研究院(CAMS)中尺度云分辨模式,结合实测地面雨量、卫星和雷达资料,对发生在2004年3月31日-4月1日的华南春季冷锋降水过程进行模拟分析。模拟云带的出现时间、位置、形状与走向以及随时间的演变均与卫星观测一致。模拟的雷达回波分布同实测一致,回波主要出现在地面锋线以及锋后冷空气一侧,呈西南东北带状分布,锋面云系的不同部位回波单体的差异很大。模拟的主要降水时段内的地面雨量分布范围以及大小同实测接近,中尺度雨带呈西南东北带状结构,随着冷锋的移动逐渐向东南方向移动。在中尺度雨带上有4个生命史超过3小时的强降水中心,强降水中心基本都是向东略偏南的方向移动,与回波单体的移动方向一致。锋面云系的垂直运动深厚,且基本与云区对应,云系产生在低层辐合、正涡度,高层辐散和高相当位温的区域。地面锋线附近的上升速度大,云水含量高,冰相粒子的淞附和雨滴碰并云滴是云中的主要微物理过程,暖雨过程和冷雨过程都重要;而在高空锋区宽雨带部分低层为下沉气流,上升气流只出现在高层,主要是过冷云水、霰和雪晶组成的混合云,雪晶是霰增长的主要源项,降水主要由霰的融化产生,冷云降水过程比较重要。 Cold frontal precipitation case occurring during 31 Mar- 1 Apr 2004 in South China is studied with CAMS mesoscale cloud resolving model. The simulation results are verified with observational surface rainfall, satellite and radar data. The occurring time, location, shape and orientation of simulated cloud bands and their evolution are consistent with the satellite observation. The distribution of simulated radar echoes is in agreement with radar observation. The southwest - northeast band echoes mainly occurred at surface frontal line and post-frontal part. The difference of individual echoes in different parts of the cold front is great. The distribution and amount of simulated surface rainfall during the main precipitating period coincide with the observations. The mesoscale southwest- northeast rain band moves southeasterly with cold front moving. There are four strong precipitating centers in the rain band, whose lifetimes are beyond 3 hours, and move mostly eastward, which agrees with the moving of radar echoes. The vertical motion of cold frontal clouds is deep and corresponding to the cloud area. The clouds appear in the areas of convergence~ positive vorticity in the lower level, divergence in the upper level, and higher equivalent potential temperature. Near the surface front line, the updraft velocity is great, and the mass content of cloud water is great. then the processes of ice particles riming and collection of cloud droplets by raindrops are the main microphysical processes. However, in the wide rain band areas, updrafts only lie in upper layers, downdrafts are in lower layers, and there are mainly supercooled cloud water, graupels and snow crystals. Snow crystals are the main source term for graupel growing, precipitation is mainly formed by graupels melting, cold rain process is more important.
出处 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期1019-1036,共18页 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目40705002 40305001 社会公益研究专项2004DIB3J116 国家科技支撑计划2006BAC12B01 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目2004CB418306 广东省科技计划项目2003C32607
关键词 华南地区 冷锋降水 中尺度雨带 微物理转化过程 数值模拟 South China, cold frontal precipitation, mesoscale rain band, process of microphysics, numerical simulation
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