通过Gleeble热模拟机对真空感应炉熔炼的00Cr25Ni7Mo4N锻材进行高温拉伸和单道次及连续4道次压缩试验。结果表明,在900~1 250℃的范围内随温度提高和在950~1 100℃时随道次递增,00Cr25Ni7Mo4N钢的最大变形抗力逐渐下降;在1 050~1 250℃时,00Cr25Ni7Mo4N钢的变形抗力较低,断面收缩率高于60%,具有较好的热塑性;当应变速率为10/s且温度高于1 000℃,及应变速率为50/s且温度高于1 100℃时,钢的热加工性较好。
Test of tensile properties and compression with single pass and continuous 4 pass at elevated temperature for forged bar of steel 00Cr25Ni7Mo4N melted by vacuum induction furnace has been carried out by Gleeble thermal simulator. Results showed that at 900 - 1 250 ℃, with increasing temperature and at 950 - 1 100 ℃ with progresive increasing pass, the maximum deformation resistance of steel 00Cr25Ni7Mo4N gradually decreased; at 1 050 - 1 250 ℃ the deformation resistance of steel 00Cr25NiTMo4N was lower and the reduction of area was more than 60% with better hot plasticity; the steel had better hot workability as strain rate 10/s at ≥ 1 000 ℃ and as strain rate 50/s at ≥ 1 100 ℃.
Special Steel