On a self-designed fixed bed reactor the factors influencing the formation of reducing volatiles from the coals for reburning are investigated with a Gasmet fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analyzer. The experimental results show that reducing volatiles, such as CO, CH4 and HCN, can be found during the heating process of Shenmu coal in N2 and CO2 atmosphere, CO2 atmosphere gets better for the generation of CO. The generation of CH4 in N2 is similar to that in CO2. The presence of O2 in the atmosphere exerts on obvious influence on the formation of CO, CH4 and HCN, as well as the emission of NO. O2 decreases the initial formation temperature of CO and CH4 and their productive rates, while it increases the productive rate of NO. The initial formation temperature of HCN is greatly decreased in the presence of O2 while the productive rate of HCN is increased remarkably in O2 of 6 %. The heating rate affects the formation of reducing volatiles. No matter in N2 or in CO2, the yield of CH4 during rapid heating process is greater than that during temperature-programmed heating process, while the yield of CO is reversed. The effect of heating rate on HCN generation depends on coal types. Except TC coal, the yield of HCN during rapid heating process in N2 or in CO2 is lower than that during temperatureprogrammed heating process.
Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University