目的探讨苯对小鼠骨髓细胞线粒体DNA(mtDNA)D-环(Displancement loop,D-Loop)区的影响。方法将30只雌性昆明种小鼠按白细胞(WBC)水平随机分为2组,每组15只,其中染苯组以2000mg/kg苯-花生油混悬液灌胃,每天1次,每周6d,连续2周;对照组灌胃给予花生油。染苯2周后,从中选取WBC降至4.0×109/L以下的10只作为苯中毒性WBC减少小鼠模型,进行骨髓细胞mtDNAD-Loop区突变检测。结果苯(2000mg/kg)灌胃小鼠2周后可使WBC降至4.0×109/L以下的小鼠骨髓细胞mtDNAD-Loop区碱基发生点突变、单碱基插入和缺失等突变,其中16020bp为C缺失突变多发位点,突变率达40%。结论苯可诱导小鼠骨髓细胞mtDNAD-Loop区发生突变。
Objective To investigate the effects of benzene on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) disphncement loop ( D- Loop) regions in bone marrow cells of benzene intoxicated mice. Methods Based on their WBC levels, 30 fenmle Kunming mice were randomly divided into 2 groups with 15 animals per group. One group was treated with benzene suspended in peanut oil at the dose of 2 000 mg/kg by gavage for 2 weeks (6 d/w). Another group was treated with peanut oil as the control After two weeks of treatement with benzene, 10 mice with WBC values lower than 4. 0×10^9/L were chosen as the leucopenia mice. Bone marrow cells of leucopenia mice and the control mice were collected to detect the mutation of mtDNA D-Loop regions. Resuits Point mutation, monobase insertion and deletion were observed in mtDNA D-Loop regions in bone marrow cells of mice with WBC lower than 4. 0×10^9/L. C base lack of 16 020 bp was found in 4 animals (40%). Conclusion It was suggested that benzene could induce mutations in mtDNA D-Loop regions in bone marrow cells of mice.
China Occupational Medicine