
利用多分辨率频谱分析的频谱感知方法 被引量:2

Spectrum Sensing Using Multi-Resolution Spectrum Analysis
摘要 频谱感知是认知无线电关键技术之一,通常宽频带感知技术复杂度高。该文讨论了利用多分辨率频谱分析的频谱感知原理和实现方法,提出了实现频谱空穴检测的动态门限选取方法。详细仿真分析了频谱分析参数对频谱感知的影响,给出了该方法的频谱检测性能。该方法能在宽频带内迅速可靠地发现频谱空穴,实现简单,计算复杂度低。 Spectrum sensing is one of the key technologies of cognitive radio. Usually the speetrum sensing in wideband results as high complexity. The spectrum sensing principle and method using multiresolution spectrum analysis am discussed in this paper. A dynamical selection method of the detection threshold is presentod. The effect of spectrum analysis parameters on the spectrum sensing is simulated in detail. The detection performance of spectrum is also simulated. This approach can find speeman holes in wideband rapidly and reliability, and is easy implemented with low complexity.
出处 《杭州电子科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2008年第3期23-26,共4页 Journal of Hangzhou Dianzi University:Natural Sciences
关键词 认知无线电 频谱感知 加窗傅立叶变换 小波 多分辨率分析 cognitive radio spectrum sensing windowed Fourier transformation wavelet multi - resolution analysis
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