
重视烧伤休克监测的研究 被引量:6

Pay great attention to research on monitoring burn shock
摘要 自20世纪50年代使用补液公式指导烧伤患者休克期补液治疗后,烧伤休克的防治不断完善,其发病率明显下降,大多数严重烧伤患者均能度过休克期,少有直接因休克死亡者。但20世纪80年代后,国内外学者均发现按现行公式补液,难以有效恢复良好的血液灌流,会遗留缺血缺氧性损害,是伤后并发内脏功能障碍的重要因素。 Improvement in early burn treatment has been realized, the mortality of burn shock has been decreased. However, the treatment of burn shock is still inadequate and occult hypoperfusion is usually occurred . This may be difficult to identify the appropriate resuscitation endpoint . The goal in management of burn shock is restoration of adequate tissue perfusion and nor- malization of cellular metabolism. Traditional endpoints, such as blood pressure, urine output are useful in managing mild and moderate burn shock. Additional endpoints that evaluate the adequacy of global and regional perfuslon and oxygenation at the tissue level should be used in treatment of severe burn injury. Now the most useful parameters may be blood pressure, urine output, serum lactate, BE and CVP,SCVO2.
作者 杨宗城
出处 《中华烧伤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期245-247,共3页 Chinese Journal of Burns
关键词 烧伤 休克 监测 Burns Shock Monitoring
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