In this paper,a two-zone quasi-dimension model which is based on Benson' s description has been established for combustion process in S. I. engine . The model includes the thermodynamic submodel , turbulence flame propagation submodel, combustion chamber geometric submodel and mission submodel. In the turbulence flame propagation submodel the flame speed rate(FSR) is defined and the turbulent flame speed calculated by experiential formula based on the measured pressure - time diagram . The combustion chamber geometric submodel is adopted according to EQ6100 gasoline engines separately.
To examine the accuracy of the model, some of the parameters of two engines under the full load conditions have been measured. The resuits from the tests have shown high concidence with those from the calculations. therefore ,this simulation model is valuable both for the practical purpose and further deveioping. On base of above research the EQ6100 gosoline Engine is predicted by means of changing compression ratio,rpm etc 8 different parameters ,and the influence tendency of those parameters on Engine performance is obtained.
Journal of Hubei University Of Automotive Technology
turbulent combustion velocity, laminar combustion velocity, Flame front,Flame velocity, indicator diagram.