
大部制背景下垄断性产业的管制机构改革--以中国电力管制机构改革为例 被引量:11

Discussion about Reform of Regulatory Agencies in Monopoly Industries under China’s Large Government Departments System——Taking Regulatory Agency in China’s Electricity Industry as an Example
摘要 在新一轮的政府机构改革中推行大部门体制,这需要探讨与此相关的垄断性产业管制机构改革问题。本文以中国能源产业大部制改革为背景,并以电力产业为例,讨论政府行政部与垄断性产业管制机构的区别与联系;在能源产业大部制过渡时期,现行电力管制机构的定位问题;在能源产业最终实现大部制后,电力管制机构将采取的理论模式及其特征;最后,本文对电力管制机构的动态发展趋势作了预期分析。 China will promote large government departments system in new governmental organization reform process, this asks for us to discuss the reform problem of regulatory agencies in monopoly industries. Based on the reform of large government departments system in energy industry and taken the electricity industry as an example, this article will discuss the difference and relation between the government department and regulatory agencies in monopoly industries and to discuss the current electricity regulatory agency how to position during the interim period of large government departments system reform in energy industry. It will also discuss how to select the model and its characteristic of efficient electricity regulatory agency under the large government departments system in energy industry. Finally, this article will give the prospects about the development trend of regulatory agency in China's electricity industry.
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第7期47-56,共10页 China Industrial Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“中国垄断性产业管制机构的设立与运行机制研究”(批准号70573087)
关键词 大部门体制 电力产业 管制机构 管制改革 large government departments system electricity industry regulatory agency regulatory reform
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