试验采用TPS便携式光合测定仪,对塑料大棚中龙亭杏梅的光合特性进行了研究。结果表明:龙亭杏梅的净光合速率日变化呈典型的双峰曲线。第一次高峰出现在9:00时左右,Pn为5.42 CO2μmol.m-2.s-1;第二次高峰出现在14:00时左右,Pn为3.27CO2μmol.m-2.s-1;最低点出现在12:00时左右,Pn为2.14 CO2μmol.m-2.s-1,"光合午休"现象明显。光照和CO2浓度是影响大棚内杏梅Pn的重要环境因子。Gs日变化与Pn日变化呈明显正相关关系,而Ci和Pn日变化在15:00时以后呈相反趋势,为非气孔因素所致。PAR和环境中CO2浓度通过改变气孔导度影响Pn的日变化。
The photosynthesis of the mume in plastic greenhouse was investigated with TPS portable photosynthesis sys tern, Photosynthetic characteristics of Longting mume cuivar were studied by using live body measurements in plastic greenhouse. Resuhs showed that photosynthetic rate variation of Longting mume in a day was two-peaks curve. The first peak was at about A. m, 9:00 and Pn was 5.42 CO2 umol·m^-2·s^-1; and the second was at about 14:00 and Pn was 3. 27 CO2 umol·m^-2·s^-1; The photosynlhetic rate at about P. m, 12:00 was lowest Pn was only 2.14 CO2 umol·m^-2·s^-1 Noon brealdng was visible. Illumination and the consistency of COz were important factors to the net photosynthetic rate of Longting mume in plastic greenhouse. Gs and Pn was 5. 42 CO2 umol·m^-2·s^-1; and the second was at about 14.00 and Pn was 3. 27 CO2 umol·m^-2·s^-1; The photosynthetic rate at about P. m. 12 : 00 was lowest Pn was only 2. 14CO2 umol·m^-2·s^-1;. Noon breaking was visible. Illumination and the consistency of (202 were important factors to the net photosynthetic rate of Longting mume in plastic greenhouse. Gs variation curve was similar to Pn variation curve, but after 15:00 Ci variation curve was on the contrary,pore was a non-factor with the result that. PAR and the consistency of CO2 in surroundings could affect Pn variation by changing Gs.
Northern Horticulture
Mume eultivar in plastic greenhouse
Photosynthelic characteristics
Net photosynthetic rate