In our system, the absolute value circuit with diode whose pins are floated, it makes the circuit can't be integrated on chips. To solve this problem, an alternative way is to adopt operation amplifiers to form absolute value circuit which have no diodes. Pspice simulation shows , the amplitude error of the circuit containing the operation amplifiers, OPA365, is very small, only 0. 7 % compared with the ideal case; its amplitude error around the zero voltage level is less than 12 mV and the phase error can be ignored. Accordingly, the absolute circuit without diode will achieve less than 0. 7% amplitude error with the rail-torail operation amplifiers which have the proper structure. The new circuit implemented with on-chip integration is expected to be applied in the research of our project. "transformation of AC (Alternating Current)-AC" and in the field of the electrical survey.
Chinese Journal of Electron Devices