介绍莱钢生产1.2738塑料模具钢模块的炼钢、加热、锻造、热处理工艺。对初期生产的模块探伤合格率进行了统计分析。采取选择22 t以下钢锭,提高钢锭加热和镦粗质量,匹配拔长参数等措施,将探伤合格率提高到95%以上,超标锻件经再次镦粗拔长后合格。
The processes of steel-smelting, heating, forging, heat treatment for 1. 2738 plastic die steel modules have been introduced. And the inspection qualified rate of early produced modules has been statistically analyzed. By adopting the measures, such as choosing the steel ingot weighted less than 22 t, improving the quality of heating and upsetting for steel ingot, matching the drawing parameter, the inspection qualified rate has been increased more than 95%. Furthermore, the forgings exceeded standard would be qualified after upsetting and drawing once again.
Heavy Casting and Forging