目的测定毛冬青药材中毛冬青皂苷B1的含量,首次建立毛冬青药材的专属性含量控制方法。方法采用C18色谱柱;以乙腈-2mL·L^-1 H3PO4(39:61)为流动相,柱温:30℃;流速:0.8mL·min^-1;检测波长:203nm;进样量5μL。结果毛冬青皂苷B1的分离度良好,线性范围为0.5~12.5μg,平均回收率98.24%。结论方法专属性强,重复性好,结果准确,为毛冬青药材的质量控制提供了科学、专属性的质量控制方法。
Objective To establish a method for quality estimation of Radix llicis Pubescentis by RP-HPLC. Methods RP-HPLC method was adopted to determine the content of ilexsaponin B1 by using C18 column. Acetonitril-2 g · L^-1 Ha PO, (39 : 61) as mobile phase was used to determinate ilexsaponin B1, the column temperature was 30 ℃, the flow rate was 0.8 mL · min^-1 , the UV detection wavelength was set at 203 nm. Results The Ilexsaponin B1 was completely separated from other compositions under established conditions. The liner range of ilexsaponin B1 was 0.5 - 12.5 bag ( r = 0. 999 9, n = 7), the average recovery of ilexsaponin B1 was 98.24%. Conclusions It was the first time to establish RP-HPLC method with accuracy, good reproducibility for determining the content of ilexsaponin B1 in Radix Ilicis Pubescentis.
Northwest Pharmaceutical Journal