The method of measuring the activity ofnattokinase with agarose-fibrin plate was improved. The standard curve which was used to measure the activity of nattokinase was studied. The relationship of the common logarithm of the urokinase activity and the dissolving circle submitted the regressionship while the urokinase activity range is 200U/ml-10000U/ml. The slope of the equation is related to the incubation time, the in cubation temperature and the plate height The best incubation time of measuring the nattokinase activity is 15 h, and the standard curve is : lgU=0.0052S+b. The value of b can be calculated as follows: put the activity value and dissolving circle of two kinds of urokinases into the equation of b= b1+b2 lgU=0.0052S+b, then b1 and b2 were worked out, and the value of b=b1+b2/2 The relative error is 0.22%.
China Brewing