
坡耕地地表糙度对降水分配的实验研究 被引量:10

Effects of Soil Surface Roughness on Water Transformation in Cultivated Land
摘要 地表糙度指地表微小的高低起伏变化,是人为土地管理与土壤侵蚀共同作用的结果,可以影响降雨过程中水分转化与土壤侵蚀过程。该文以直线坡为对照,借助3种常见耕作管理措施(人工锄耕、人工掏挖与等高耕作)产生不同水平的地表糙度,结合人工模拟降雨试验研究地表糙度水分转化效应。结果表明:长历时人工降雨条件下,地表糙度可以强化降雨向土壤水分转化。其强化入渗作用表现为:增加地表填洼量,增大入渗水头与入渗深度,滞后产流时间,削减径流量,进而提高入渗率及水分转化率。坡耕地地表糙度与填洼量成指数关系,与平均入渗率及水分转化率成对数关系。 Soil surface roughness is micro-topography of cultivated soils caused by land management and soll erosion. It plays a critical part in controlling soll water transformation and soil erosion. Several tillage operations were studied:artificial hoe slope, artificial dig slope, contour tillage slope and straight slope. Based on the experiments of simulated rainfall, this article assessed the effects of surface roughness on soil water transformation. Results showed that soil surface roughness can increase depression storage capacity,enhance infiltration rate and wetting front depth,retard runoff-yielding tlme,decrease runoff volume,and finally improve water transformation rate. The relationship between surface roughness and depression storage was logarithm,and the relationship between average infiltration rate and water transformation rate was liner.
出处 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期11-14,19,共5页 Research of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 中国主要水蚀区土壤侵蚀过程调控研究"不同类型区土壤侵蚀过程与机理"(2007CB407201-5)
关键词 地表糙度 填洼量 产流时间 入渗率 水分转化 soil surface roughness depression storage capacity runoff-yielding time infiltration rate water transformation
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