目的探讨激光治疗糖尿病视网膜病变的效果。方法根据DRPSG(Diabetic Retinopathy Photocoagulation Study Group)制定的治疗技术规定,对280例365只眼分别为增殖前期糖尿病视网膜病变(Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy,PPDR)、增殖期糖尿病视网膜病变(Proliferative diabetic retinopathy,PDR)及糖尿病性黄斑水肿(Diabetic macularedema,DME)患者,分别行标准全视网膜光凝(S—PRP)、超全视网膜光凝(E—PRP)、局限或格栅光凝。术后3、6、12个月行FFA及彩色眼底像,新生血管未消退者和无灌注区尚存者追加光凝,随访3—36个月。结果355只眼行全视网膜光凝,新生血管或无灌注区全部或部分消退256只眼,有效率为72.1%:视力不变和增进292只眼,占82.3%;35只黄斑水肿眼局限或格栅光凝后,26只眼水肿减轻或消失,有效率74.3%。结论激光治疗糖尿病性视网膜病变安全有效。
Objective To evaluate the technique of laser treatment for diabetic retinopathy.Methods According to the treatment technique stipulations formulated by DRPSG (Diabetic Retinopathy photo coagulation Study Group),365 eyes of 280 patients suffering from preprcliferative diabetic retinopathy (PPDR), proliferative diabetic retinopathy (POR) and diabetic macular edema ( DME ) repectively were treated with laser treatment.These patients received the treatment of standard panretinal photocoagulation(S-PRP) and extra panretinal photocoagulation (E-PRP).Those with macular edema received the focal and grid photocoagulation. The fundus fluorescein angio graphy (FFA)and color photograph were taken 3,6 and12 months after the treatment.For those cases with remaining new vessels and non-perfusion areas, the treatment was complemented with further photocoagulation. The follow-up period was 3 -36 months. Results Retinal new vessels partly or entirely regressed in 256 eyes (about 72.1% )of the 355 eyes subjected to PRP. Visual acuity were improved or maintained in 292 eyes (about 82.3%)of355 eyes.After laser grid photocoagulation in 35 eyes with diffuse edema,Edema in 26 eyes (about 74.3% )was found considerably improved or disappeared. Conclusion The laser treatment of diabetic retinopathy is effective significantly.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology