
先进的规则床模块式高温气冷堆概念 被引量:6

Advanced ordered bed modular HTGR reactor concept
摘要 规则床模块堆是燃料球呈规则堆积的一种先进的模块式高温气冷堆设计。燃料球在平面上成正方形排列,四个球的中心是次一层球的位置,形成正四棱锥堆积。当燃料球落入被做成一定几何形状的堆芯空腔时,就自动形成规则堆积。燃料球可以从反应堆顶部装入和卸出,能够在较短的停堆时间内完成换料操作。规则床堆芯是一种密实体,具有很强的结构适应性和稳定性。在模块化设计中,保持非能动冷却和限制最高燃料温度的条件下,它能够提高输出功率和降低堆芯压降,同时还兼有球形燃料堆和柱状燃料堆的主要优点。本文介绍规则堆积床特性和预测规则床模块堆的设计性能。 The Ordered Bed Modular Reactor (OBMR) is an advanced modular HTGR design in which the reactor core is filled with an ordered bed of fuel spheres. The ordered beds are packed in a pyramid geometry in which the unit cell layer is formed by four spheres lying at the corners of a square, and the individual spheres in subsequent layers fill the cusps formed by them. This arrangement allows fuel elements to be poured into the core cavity which is shaped so that an ordered bed is formed and to be discharged from the core through the opening holes in the reactor top. These operations can be performed in a shorter shutdown time. The core of the OBMR as a compact core has great structural flexibility and stability. The geometry of the core structures is that passive cooling to the environment and maximum fuel temperatures are kept within safe limits. It is allowed to increase reactor output power and decrease core pressure drop as well as having most of the advantages of both the pebble bed reactor and block type reactor. This paper introduces ordered packing bed characteristics and predicted designfeatures of the OBMR.
作者 田嘉夫
出处 《核科学与工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期147-157,共11页 Nuclear Science and Engineering
关键词 模块式高温气冷堆 卵石床 规则床 球形燃料堆 柱状燃料堆 modular HTGR pebble bed ordered bed pebble bed reactor block type reactor
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