目的:探讨儿童社会退缩行为的形成与儿童自我意识及父母养育方式之间的关系。方法:采用Achenbach儿童行为量表(Achenbach’s Child Behavior Checklist,CBCL)、Piers-Harris儿童自我意识量表(Children’s Self-concept Scale,PHCSS)、父母教养方式评价问卷对长沙市五所小学四、五年级1209位学生测量并进行统计分析。结果:经过统计分析,退缩低分组在自我意识量表上各因子得分都明显高于高分组,并且在父母养育方式量表中,父母亲的情感温暖和理解因子得分也显著高于高分组,而父母亲的拒绝否认和父母亲的惩罚严厉因子得分却显著低于高分组。退缩行为与父母的情感温暖和理解呈低度负相关,与父母亲拒绝否认、父亲惩罚严厉呈低度正相关,与儿童自我意识量表中行为、智力与学校情况均呈中度负相关,与躯体外貌、焦虑、合群以及幸福满足呈低度负相关。结论:家庭教养方式和自我意识是社会退缩行为的影响因素之一。
Objective: To explore the influence of parent rearing pattern and self concept on social withdrawal behavior of schoolchildren. Methods: 1209 students in primary school were assessed with Children's Self-concept Scale, EMBU and Child Behavior Checklist scale. Results: In upper scores group of social withdrawal, self concept scores were lower than those in lower scores group of social withdrawal, parental warm affection scores were lower and punishment denial and interferernce scores were higher than those in lower scores group of social withdrawal. Social withdrawal is obviously correlated with parental warm affection, negatively correlated with the factors of parent's rejection and punishment. And also negatively correlated with all factors in Children's self-concept Scale. Conclusion: Parent rearing pattern and self concept have a great influence on the social withdrawal behavior.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology