目的观察自体骨髓移植治疗股骨头无菌性坏死47例55个股骨头的临床效果。方法在X线透视下,用1枚3.0 mm骨圆针经皮肤由股骨大粗隆的外侧沿股骨颈至股骨头钻3-5个骨性通道,分别对股骨粗隆、股骨颈、股骨头负重区减压后,于骼前上棘后2.0 cm用自2.0 mm带有侧孔的骨髓穿刺针刺入骨内3.0-5.0 cm,缓慢不间断地抽吸骨髓液10 mL左右,退针或改变方向继续抽吸5.0-10 mL,共抽吸约20-30 mL。用16号腰穿针经皮肤经骨性通道将骨髓液准确注射到股骨头颈钻孔减压部位,在术后2周、4周各取自体骨髓在透视下注入股骨头。结果根据术后疼痛、髋关节功能和X线表现进行疗效评价,术后有效率为91.3%。结论自体骨髓移植是治疗早、中期股骨头坏死的有效方法。
Objective To observe clinical effect of allograft of bone marrow to treat sterility femoral head necrosis (SFHN). Methods The round bone needle was punctured via skin to make hole which the bone marrow was implanted inside at head, neck and trochanter with total 20 - 30 mL in volume as allograft. The step was repeated at 2 and 4 weeks. Results The total effective rate was 91.3 % according to pain, joint function and X- my. Conclusion The allograft of bone marrow might be an effective method to treat early or mid stage of SFHN.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal