AIM: To evaluate the therapeutic effects of bisdemethoxycureumin liposome in mice with CCl4-induced acute liver injury model and its mechanism. METHODS: 40 ICR mice were randomly divided into 4 groups: control group, model group, bisdemethoxycurcumin injection group and demethoxycurcurain liposome group ( n = 10). The liver injury model was made by injecting CCl4 in mouse' s abdomen. The activities of ALT, AST in serum, the contents of MDA in liver and 'the pathological changes of hepatic tissue were investigated. RESYKTS: Compared with those in control group, the serum ALT, AST activities and liver MDA contents of model group were highly increased, but those in bisdemethoxycurcumin injection group and bisdemethoxycurcumin liposome group were reduced significantly. The liver lobules were ameliorated obviously too, especially in bisdemethoxycurcumin liposome group. The pharmacedynamic action of liposome was better than that of the injection. CONCLUSION: Bisdemethoxycureumin liposome has significantly protective effects on CCl4-induced acute chemical liver injury by reducing peroxidation of lipid in endotheliocyte of the liver.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics