
激光快速成型技术制作头颅模型的仿真分析 被引量:3

The accuracy of computerized composite skull model crcated by rapid prototyping technique
摘要 目的:检测并验证建立头颅模型的激光快速成型技术的精确性。方法:对牙列完整的干头颅进行CT扫描,将CT数据转换为STL格式,采用快速成型技术(液态光敏树脂选择性固化)建立头颅模型。对头颅模型及干头颅进行骨至骨,牙至牙以及骨至牙标志的测量。采用Pearson相关系数及线性回归检验进行统计学分析。结果:快速成型技术建立的头颅模型能通过CT数据反映骨性结构。骨性标志的测量中,头颅模型与干头颅的平均差别为0.41mm±0.56mm;牙至牙的测量中,平均差别为0.05mm±0.21mm;骨至牙的测量中平均差别为0.16mm±0.19mm。结论:激光快速成型技术建立的头颅模型,其几何外形与头颅骨标本基本一致,精度符合颌面外科要求,可用于术前设计、规划及手术模拟,具有临床实用性。 Objective: To develop technique for creating computerized composite skull models. Methods: A dry skull with intact dentition was scanned by spiral CT. Data was transferred to STL version. Computerized composite skull model was created by rapid prototyping technique (Stereolithagraphy, SLA). The accuracy of the skull model was assessed. Bone to bone, tooth to tooth, and bone to tooth measurements were made on the computerized composite skull model and the dry skull. Pearson correlation coefficient and linear regression tests were performed. Results: For the bone to bone measurements, the mean difference between the computerized composite skull model and the dry skull was 0.41mm ± 0.56mm. For the tooth to tooth measurements, the mean difference was 0.05mm ±0.21mm. For the bone to tooth measurements, the mean difference was 0.16mm ± 0.19mm. Conclusions: Creating computerized composite skull model By rapid prototyping technique with high accuracy, was feasible in clinical use, and which can meet the requirements of maxillofacial surgery.
出处 《中华老年口腔医学杂志》 2008年第2期112-115,共4页 Chinese Journal of Geriatric Dentistry
关键词 快速成型技术 CT扫描 头颅模型 精确 rapid prototyping CT scaning skull model accuracy
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