
后赵邺都城制建筑考——中世纪东亚都城制度探源之二 被引量:4

Textual Research on the Capital's Programme System and construction of Yecheng in HouZhao Dynasty
摘要 后赵重建邺都工程经历了前后两个时期,前期为石勒时期,主要是都城设计与邺宫初造;后期为石虎时期,根据石勒总体设计大规模营建,先城内后城外,宫殿建筑先内宫后大朝。以九华宫、太武殿及两侧东、西阁为主体工程,宫城、郭城围绕主体工程布置,自北向南,由北城垣上齐斗楼,经太武殿、端门及中阳门内大街、中阳门,构成全城南北中轴线,宫殿建筑、官署、街区、里巷等均沿中轴线左右对称,街区呈棋盘状,全城平面布局大体呈横长方形,城门自东、南、西、北顺时针,依次为建春、广阳、中阳、凤阳、金明、厩门、广德门等,门名取象"四时"命设,城制设计具有"天象"意识。城垣与城门、三台、宫殿、街市里巷、习俗、礼制建筑等,不仅规划整齐,而且具有较高的艺术水平。 Yecheng was the capital of the HouZhao Dynasty and its reconstruction projects experienced two periods. The early period under the Shile's reign, included primarily the capital's design and the YeGong's incipient foundation. The later period was Shihu's dynasty, in this period, according to the Shile'general design, large - scale constructions were carried on. The order of the Capital's construction was the inner city firstly and the outer city subsequently; as to the palace, alike to the city's building sequence, the inner of which was Constructed in the first place, and the main hall of which was constructed next. The Jiuhua and Taiwu palace together with the western and eastern pavilions constituted the main body, which were surrounded by the court and the enceinte. From north to south, along the northern circumvallation, Qidou pavilion, Taiwu palace to Duan door and the front Duan doors street in the Zhongyang gate, Zhongyang gate, all of them composed a north- south centerline. The palaces, mansion, blocks and streets were distributed symmetrically along the north -south centerline. The plane of the city was a transverse or vertical rectangle. The city gates were the Jianchun, Guangyang, Zhongyang, Fengyang, Jinming, Jiu, Guangde gates from east, south to west, north by clockwise turn. These gates were named after four seasons. All the design and programming of the city reflected the builders'thought of"Heaven". That the circumvallations, city gates, three daises, palaces, streets, habitudes, etiquette buildings and so on, were not only planed in order, but with a upper artistic level.
作者 牛润珍
出处 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期84-90,共7页 Hebei Academic Journal
关键词 后赵 邺都 城制 建筑 Houzhao Dynasty Yecheng the Capital's Programme System construction
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