

Epicurus On Gods
摘要 被人普遍认为是"无神论者"的伊壁鸠鲁主张神的存在,这究竟是不得已的妥协,还是真诚的认信?从两个认识论标准来看,他对神的存在的信念是真诚的。因为伊壁鸠鲁相信感觉-影像是可靠的,而我们灵魂中确实有关于神的清楚明白的"影像";而且,人类普遍拥有关于神的"前把握观念"——神是"一种不朽的和幸福的存在"。但是,从神是完满的"前把握观念"出发得出的神"绝世独立"的结论,却让许多人相信伊壁鸠鲁是"无神论"者,因为大众关于神的本性的"前把握观念"首先是神为"万物第一因",所以他们无法接受"不动心"的神。一些哲学家为迎合大众,也认为如果说神没有愤怒和偏爱,那就是在否认神的存在。大众的神的政治神学意义在于强调神的威严和仁慈,甚至成为那样的权威,否则就把一切托付给神和权威。伊壁鸠鲁的神的政治神学意义则昭示我们应该成为自由而宁静的人,于是神就成为"不动心"的政治神学楷模。 To many readers' surprise, Epicurus and his materialist disciples claimed that they believe in gods. Is it to be explained by insincere compromise? As we know, Leo Strauss teaches people that because of the fear of persecution, philosophers often distinguish their writings into two types, one of which is "exoteric," and the other is esoteric. When philosophers talk to the public, they are wont to speak in the fashion of the public, which means to follow the custom of national piety. However, when they talk in the inner circle, they will reveal their true believes which acknowledge no limit of critical reflection. If this is a useful guide, we may find that Epicurus is not an atheist, because in his epistle to his disciple he emphatically affirmed that gods exist, since this knowledge is clear and explicit. The reason Epicurus believe in this knowledge is that we do have the images (shadows) from gods in the dreams. One may doubt that images in dreams could be the solid basis of such serious issues. However, according to Epicurus' Canonic, all senses are real, and this is because they are images flowing from the real objects. Of course there will be further doubts that some images may be pure fantasy. Here comes in the second canon of Epicurean philosophy, namely, preconception. Because preconceptions are always clear and explicit, universally held by all peoples, they are also canon of Truth. What are preconceptions of gods? There are at least two main conceptions, one of which is "perfection," and the other is "the First cause." However, the two concepts of gods are not always in harmony. Epicurus thinks that the former preconception is more fundamental, and any deviation from this understanding is inconsistency. A busy god who engages in human affairs consists of such inconsistency. Gods must be isolated individuals without any care and bothering for others, and so suffers no sudden joy and dismays. But most Greeks tend to embrace the latter preconception and expect constants help
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第3期58-63,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(01BZX030)
关键词 伊壁鸠鲁 有神论 神的本性 政治神学 Epicurus theism the nature of gods political theology
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