
从“开端计划”到“稳健起步计划”:国际社会建设和谐教育的不懈努力 被引量:9

From Project Head Start to Sure Start Programme:Learning from the International Communities on How to Build up Harmonious Education
摘要 我国在新世纪建设和谐社会,教育公平是和谐教育的重要组成部分,也是和谐社会的重要基石。国际社会近年来非常重视从起点上保证教育公平,也就是为早期教育提供公共经费,并推动综合性的社会服务方案。本文通过分析美英两国的"开端计划"和"稳健起步计划",从起点——早期教育阶段建设和谐教育的国际经验,针对我国的现实提出了几点建议。 In 1965, the United State put forward The Project Head Start, a comprehensive project for disadvantaged children and their families. This project has played an important role in educational equity and social inclusion. In 1998, the UK government established Sure Start Programme. It intended to provide service to all of the children and their families. However, the highest priority of the government has been given to the disadvantaged groups. The two countries' policies and practices for early childhood gave us some insights on how to build up the harmonious education in China. The paper concludes that the government should invest in young children, especially investing in disadvantaged young children. Based on this analysis, the paper identifies some key points for building up harmonious education for young children in China.
作者 李敏谊
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期36-41,共6页 International and Comparative Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“深化基础教育课程改革与推进素质教育的国际比较研究”(项目批准号:05JJD880054)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 开端计划 稳健起步计划 和谐社会 和谐教育 head start sure start harmonious society harmonious education
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