建立了反相高效液相色谱法同时测定不同来源的杏香兔耳风中的绿原酸和芦丁。采用Kromasil C18柱(4.6 mm i.d.×250 mm,5μm),以甲醇-0.5%H3PO4的水溶液为流动相,梯度洗脱程序为0 min(30∶70)-15 min(30∶70)-20min(50∶50)-40 min(50∶50);流速0.8 mL/min;检测波长350 nm;柱温25℃;光电二极管阵列检测器(PAD)。绿原酸线性范围为0.654~5.886μg,r=0.9997,样品的平均加标回收率为98.6%,RSD 1.7%;芦丁线性范围为0.218~1.962μg,r=0.9993,样品的平均加标回收率为97.1%,RSD 2.3%。本法可作为杏香兔耳风中绿原酸和芦丁的定量分析方法。
A method for simultaneous determination of chlorogenic acid and rutin in Ainsliaea fragrans from different resources was established. A kromasil C18 (4.6 mm × 250 mm, 5μm) column was used with a mobile phase consisted of phase A ( methanol) -phase B (0.5% phosphoric acid water solution) in gradient elution 0 min (30:70) - 15 min (30:70) -20 min (50:50) -40 min (50:50) at a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min in this method, the detection wavelength was set at 350 nm and the colunm temperature was 25 ℃. Photodiode array detector was used. The calibration curve was linear in a range of 0.654 - 5.886μg for chlorogenic acid ( r = 0.9997). The average recovery was 98.6% and RSD was 1.7% (n = 6). The calibration curve was linear in a range of 0. 109- 0.981μg for rutin (r = 0.9993). The average recovery was 97.1% and RSD was 2.3 % ( n = 6). This method is rapid, simple and reproducible. It can be used as a quality control method for rutin and chlorogenic acid in Ainsliaea fragrans.
Chinese Journal of Analysis Laboratory