
中美关系解冻过程中的巴基斯坦渠道 被引量:9

Pakistan Channel in the Sino-US Rapprochement
摘要 在中美关系解冻的过程中,巴基斯坦渠道起到了在中美之间有效传递信息,促成基辛格秘密访华的重要作用。以叶海亚为首的巴基斯坦领导人将发展同中美两国的友好关系与实现本国国家利益紧密联系在一起,使得"从首脑,经首脑,到首脑"的巴基斯坦渠道成为中美关系解冻过程中最为可靠和高效的渠道之一。 Pakistan channel played an important role in passing on message effectively between China and the United States, and facilitated the success of Kissinger's secret visit to Beijing in July 1971. President Yahya of Pakistan achieved the best combination between developing friendly relations with both China and the U. S. , and safeguarding Pakistani geopolitical interest. Pakistan channel, which called "from a head, through a head and to a head", developed into one of the safest and the most efficient channels in the Sino-US rap-prochement.
作者 郑华
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期72-77,共6页 Collected Papers of History Studies
基金 教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目"冷战时期美国重大外交政策研究"(06JD0013)
关键词 中美关系解冻 巴基斯坦渠道 中间人 Sino-US Rapprochement Pakistan Channel intermediator
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  • 1关于联盟的定义,国际关系理论界并没有统一的见解.本文采纳的是斯蒂芬·瓦尔特所下的定义,即联盟是指在两个或多个主权国家间的一种正式或非正式的安全合作关系.这一定义假设两个伙伴间做出某种程度的承诺和利益上的交换;中止或者对协议不讲信用将可能因此而遭受损失,即使可能有其他途径予以补尝.见Stephen M.Walt,The Origins of Alliances(New York:Cornell University Press,1987),p.1,n.1. 被引量:1
  • 2汉斯·摩根索:《国际纵横策论--争强权,求和平》,卢明华、时殷弘等译,上海译文出版社1995年版,第238页. 被引量:1
  • 3Kenneth Waltz,Theory of International Politics(Reading,Mass. :Addison-Wesley,1979),pp. 126-127. 被引量:1
  • 4Sheen Rajmaira," Indo-Pakistani Relations Reciprocity in Long-Term Perspective,"International Studies Quarterly,Vol. 41,num. 3,Sep. 1997,p. 558-559. 被引量:1
  • 5"巴基斯坦对南亚安全形势的分析——访巴战略研究所所长、前外交秘书坦维尔·艾哈迈德汗"[J].外国军事学术,1999,. 被引量:1
  • 6新华社伊斯兰堡1999年4月15日电. 被引量:1
  • 7Agha Shahi,"Pakistan's Threat Perception and Diplomatic Options", in Pakistan's Security and Foreign Policy(Lahore :Progressive Publishers, 1998),edited by Hamid H. Kizilbash. 被引量:1
  • 8March 4,1969,George C.Denny,INR,to Rogers,Intelligence Note,"USSR/China:Soviet and Chinese Force Clash on the Ussuri River",RG 59,SN 67~69,POL 32~1 Chicom-USSR; March 21,1969,Central Intelligence Agency,Directorate of Intelligence,"Weekly Review",excerpt:"Sino-Soviet Border Remains Uneasy",National Archives Ⅱ. 被引量:1
  • 9U.S.State Department,Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs,Office of Asian Communist Affairs,"Implications of Sino-Soviet Developments:Meeting of June 21",23 June 1969,RG 59,SN 67~69,Pol 32~1 ChicomUSSR.National Archives Ⅱ. 被引量:1
  • 10Aug.2,1969,Memcon,Private Meeting Between President Nixon and Ceausescu,NPMP,NSCF,box 1023,Aug.4,1969,Memcon of France President Georges Pompidou and US Dr.Kissinger,"Asia,Vietnam,Romania,Middle East,Nigeria-Biafra",Source.NSCF Box 1023,National Archives Ⅱ. 被引量:1











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