
专家系统在精馏塔开车控制中的应用研究 被引量:2

The Application of Expert System in the Start-up Control of a Distillation Column
摘要 针对常规控制算法难以对精馏塔开车阶段实现有效自动控制的问题,提出了使用专家系统实现的开车过程自动控制方案。构建了一个运用OLE自动化技术获取装置运行实时参数,并通过推理做出专家决策;基础控制系统MCGS应用专家决策适时改变控制策略的实时控制专家系统。详细论述了基于Visual Basic和Access数据库混合编程技术的实时专家控制系统实现方法,并介绍了该系统在精馏塔开车控制中的应用实施。实际应用结果验证了该方法的可行性,并具有良好的应用前景。 The start - up control of distillation columns is one of the most difficult operations in the chemical industry because of its nature of phase transition, long time delay and strong interaction between variables. It designs an expert system for this process control, applies OLE automation technology to transfer data from the expert system to MCGS. The MCGS adjusts its control strategy according to the expert decision. It develops the system in Visual Basic combined with Access database technology. Experimental investigation of the start - up control in a pilot distillation plant shows a significantly facilitated operation.
出处 《中国制造业信息化(学术版)》 2008年第5期56-59,共4页
关键词 专家控制 精馏塔 开车控制 Expert Control Distillation Column Start - up Control
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