The electrochemical oxidation of alkaline solutoin of Bamboo alkali lignin in adiaphragm-free cell at the temperature of 3OC using a lead dioxide anode was investigat-ed. The contents of methoxyl group (determlnated by Zeisel method) and the IR, 1H-NMR spetra were anlysized, and it shows that demethoxylation and destruction of aro-matic rings occurred in the process of oxidation. Along with the increasing of electrolyt-ic time, the content of aliphic hydroxyl group decreases and that of the phenolic hydroxylgroup increases first and then declines. The curve of molecular weight distribution (de-temlned by GPC rnethod) of oxidated lignin was remarkbly changed, and the averagemolecular weights (M. and M.) rose first and then declined indicating that polymeriza-tion and degradation occurred at the same time. Four kinds of low molecular aliphisticcompounds were obtained by GC-MS methods, but no aromatic ones were found , imply-ing that the aromatic structure in Bamboo alkali lignin can be easily destructed under theconditions employed in this study.
Journal of Cellulose Science and Technology