
乳杆菌代谢产物对于固定矫治患者牙周指数和龈下菌群的敏感性研究 被引量:4

A study on sensitively of clinical periodontal index and subgingival pathogen of fixed-orthodontic patients to metabolite of Lactobacillus
摘要 目的对已佩带固定矫治器6个月的患者采用乳杆菌DM9811代谢产物提取液制成的含漱液含漱治疗,探讨治疗前后牙周指数和牙周可疑病原菌的动态变化过程。方法采取自身前后对照和组间对照。记录治疗前后牙周指数的变化情况。并采用细菌培养鉴定法检测含漱前后龈下菌群的变化情况,测定牙周可疑病原菌的检出量和检出率。结果(1)试验组的牙龈指数(GI)、菌斑指数(PI)、龈沟出血指数(SBI)、探诊深度(PD)在治疗后均有下降,且试验组低于对照组。(2)试验组G-产黑色素厌氧杆菌(BPAR)、梭杆菌、拟杆菌的检出量以及BPAR的检出率治疗后均有下降,试验组低于对照组;血链球菌的检出量有所上升,试验组高于对照组。结论乳杆菌DM9811代谢产物对固定矫治患者带环牙牙龈炎的各项临床指标均有改善作用,且颊侧优于舌侧;对龈下菌斑中梭杆菌、拟杆菌、BPAR等均有抑制作用,对有益菌中的血链球菌有扶植作用。 Objectives To use mouthwash made from Lactobacillus DM9811 metabolite to cure the patients bonding fixed-orthodontic appliance 6 months ,then to explore the dynamic changing process of clinical periodontal index and suspecte periodontal pathogen before and after treatment. Methods Self-comparison, group-comparison were used. Cultivate, count and examine the change of subgingival plaque were studied. The detective amount and detective ratio of suspected periodontal pathogens were assayed by cultivation, respectively. Results ( 1 ) There was a distinct reduce of GI, PI, SBI and PD in experimentation group. Each index in experimentation group was reduced compared with comparison group. (2)The detective amount and detective ratio of suspected periodontal pathogen (BPAR, Fusobacterium and NBPPB-bacteroides) after treatment were reduced. With curing time going by, the detective amount of Streptococcus sanguis had a distinct discrepancy, the experimentation group cases were higher than the others. Conclusions Mouthwash can improve the clinical indexes of the teeth bonding bend. Cases in buccal side were better than in lingual side. It is good at restraining suspected periodontal pathogen in subgingival plaque, cultivating health bacteria, such as Streptococcus sanguis.
作者 王丹 马国武
出处 《中国微生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2008年第2期166-168,共3页 Chinese Journal of Microecology
关键词 固定矫治器 带环 临床牙周指数 龈下菌斑 乳杆菌代谢产物 Fixed-orthodontic appliance Bend Clinical periodontal index Subgingival plaque Lactobacillus metabolite
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